Technical Editing
The classes of the Technical Communication program include Technical Editing. The projects of the program often involve collaboration and peer review.
These classes have built Elizabeth Robertson's skill in copyediting, and comprehensive editing, as well as reinforcing analysis of rhetorical situations and professional communication.

In the Editing and Publication class, the promt was to supply constructive copyedits for a report. It involved applying the IEEE style guide to a document, leaving comments and queries for the author, and writing a letter of transmittal. This project built the skills of editing and communicating professionally.
The prompt for this comprehensive editing project was to rewrite the residents' agreement for a public housing residence. It involved performing a rhetorical analysis of the situation and audience and developing a style sheet for the larger document. This task built the skills of comprehensive editing, professional communication, and working with writers.

The Editing and Publications class also covered professional communications like letters of transmittal. This complemented the editing projects by building professional skills.